All posts in " Self Improvement "

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Dream Retirement May Be Sinking FAST

March 15, 2022

Even Pros and Science Teachers can fail the big TestJust ask former Professor Nancy Schlossberg a well-known researcher of retirement and transition issues. Professor Schlosberg first retired from a long academic career in 1998 and moved like many of her generation to sunny Florida. The transition from professor to retiree did not go as planned. Instead […]


5 Simple Life Rules to Grease Your Retirement

November 29, 2018

Retirement can be viewed as a blessing or a curse depending on how you prepare yourself for this new phase in life. It is common for people to emphasize the financial side of retirement. They’ll focus on putting money aside in their 401(k)’s. They will start reading all the literature on creating an income in […]


Personal Growth Isn’t Just for Millennials — Baby Boomers Take Notice

September 28, 2018

The personal growth or self-improvement industry is primarily targeted at younger people and many Baby Boomers feel that the advice offered does not apply to them. All this talk about following your dreams, quit your job today, get your side hustle going, become a digital nomad, find your purpose and so on is often lost […]


3 Huge Retirement Mistakes You can Easily Avoid

July 23, 2018

The word retirement either brings tears of joy or looks of concern to people transitioning into this stage of life. Some people are super eager to put their daily grind behind and look forward to their new life of leisure. Others don’t quite feel the same. The loss of their identity associated with the role […]
